Elizabeth Hepach

Elizabeth Hepach


After completing her PhD in Music Theory at the University of Oregon, Elizabeth moved to Leipzig, Germany. There, she taught musicological courses at the Conservatory for Music and Dance in Leipzig, the Technical University in Dresden, as well as at the University of Tübingen. Now in England, Elizabeth engages in several music endeavours, including organizing and conducting for the Oxford University Newcomers’ Club Choir.



In addition to teaching Music Analysis and Criticism, Elizabeth currently teaches piano to young children at the Dragon School. Previously, she taught music theory, aural skills and general musicology courses both in the US and Germany. She has also offered general music history topic courses at Oxford University’s Department of Continuing Education.



In a continuation of her dissertation studies, Elizabeth’s research focuses on German Lieder of the 19th century, particularly those of Hugo Wolf. While her dissertation focused on musical meaning within selected lieder, her approach now combines musical analysis with an examination of primary and secondary resources to shed light on Wolf’s compositional style as well as form and structure within his lieder in general. In general, Elizabeth is interested in music analysis, corpus studies, and the history of the Lied genre.

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