Jonathan Green

Jonathan Green

Junior Research Fellow, Departmental Lecturer in Animal Diversity (Department of Biology)
Biological Sciences
BSc Bristol, DPhil Sussex

I studied for a BSc in Zoology at the University of Bristol, before undertaking a DPhil in evolutionary biology at the University of Sussex. I then spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Universities of Liverpool and Sheffield. I currently hold a lectureship in Animal Diversity in the Department of Zoology at Oxford and a Junior Research Fellowship in Ï㽶ֱ²¥.  


In addition to tutorials, I lecture in behavioural ecology and run practical classes on comparative anatomy and insect ecology.

Research Interests

My research focuses on the evolution and diversity of social behaviour across the animal kingdom. I am particularly interested in (a) how animals gather and use information about one another to make optimal decisions during social interactions and (b) the factors shaping the evolution of helping and harming behaviours across different species.

Selected publications

  • Goldberg, R, Downing, PA, Griffin, AS & Green, JP (2020) The costs and benefits of paternal care in fish: a meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287, 20201759.
  • Leedale, AE, Simeoni, M, Sharp, SP, Green, JP, Slate, J, Lachlan, RF, Robinson, EJH & Hatchwell, BJ (2020) Cost, risk and avoidance of inbreeding in a cooperatively breeding bird. PNAS. .
  • Green, JP & Hatchwell, BJ (2018) Inclusive fitness consequences of dispersal decisions in a cooperatively-breeding bird. PNAS, 115, 12011-12016. 
  • Khwaja, N., Hatchwell, B. J., Freckleton, R. P. & Green, J. P. 2017. Sex allocation patterns across cooperatively breeding birds do not support the repayment hypothesis. The American Naturalist, 190, 547-556. 
  • Kenny, E, Birkhead T & Green JP (2017) Allopreening in birds is associated with parental cooperation over offspring care and stable pair bonds across years. Behavioral Ecology, 28, 1142-1148.
  • Green JP, Freckleton RP & Hatchwell BJ (2016) Variation in helper effort among cooperatively breeding bird species is consistent with Hamilton’s Rule. Nature Communications, 7, 12663.
  • Green JP, Holmes AM, Davidson AJ, Paterson S, Stockley P, Beynon RJ & Hurst JL (2015) The genetic basis of kin recognition in a cooperatively breeding mammal. Current Biology, 25, 2631-2641.
  • Green JP, Cant MA & Field J (2014) Using social parasitism to test reproductive skew models in a primitively eusocial wasp. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281, 20141206.
  • Leadbeater EA, Carruthers JM, Green JP, Rosser N & Field J (2011) Nest inheritance is the missing source of direct fitness in a primitively eusocial insect. Science, 333, 874-876.

Department web profile


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