Marietta van der Tol

Marietta van der Tol

Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow
LLB Utrecht, LLM Utrecht, MA Utrecht, MAR Yale, PhD Cambridge

Dr. van der Tol joined the Blavatnik school of government in 2020 as Alfred Landecker Postdoctoral Research Fellow. She leads the international networking collaboration ‘Religion, ethnicity and politics in German, Dutch and Anglo-American contexts: nationalism and the future of democracy’ as well as the Oxbridge project ‘Protestant political thought: religion, state, nation’.

Her research interests include the relationship between religion, politics and society, and the role that political imaginaries play in the formation of law and public policy with regard to religious minorities in Europe. Her doctoral thesis, (Cambridge), explored substrata of early modern toleration in contemporary constitutional law and politics in France, Germany and the Netherlands. 

Selected Publications

P. Gorski & M.D.C. van der Tol (eds.), Special issue ‘Who may belong? Nationalism, conservative religion, and identity in German, Dutch, and Anglo-American politics’, Journal on Religion, State, and Society (forthcoming Winter 2022)

S.R.C. Johnson & M.D.C. van der Tol (eds.) Special issue ‘Old Testament imaginaries of the nation in German, Dutch, and Anglo-American political thought’, Journal of the Bible and its Reception (forthcoming Autumn 2021)

M.D.C. van der Tol, Carys Brown, John Adenitire & Emily S. Kempson (eds.), From toleration to religious freedom?, Oxford: Peter Lang 2021

M.D.C. van der Tol, ‘Politics of belonging in the nation state: reclaiming Christianity from populism’, in Joshua Ralston & Ulrich Schmiedel, The Spirit of Populism: Political Theologies in Polarized Times, Leiden: Brill (forthcoming 2021)

M.D.C. van der Tol, , special issue ‘Religious freedom and sexual orientation discrimination: can the law enforce mere civility? (ed. John Adenitire), Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (2020) Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 372-387.

M.D.C. van der Tol, , eds. Rossella Bottoni & Silvio Ferrari, Religious Studies Review (2020), Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 501-502

M.D.C. van der Tol, 'Beginselen van goed bestuur in het kerkelijk recht' in, Anoeska Buijze et al (eds.), Goed bestuur in Perspectief, Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer 2019

M.D.C. van der Tol, , (2018) Revue du droit des religions, no. 6, pp. 139-149

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