Checking who has access to your Delegated accounts

  • Go to the University IT services
  • Login with your own SSO
  • From the left hand menu select Nexus Options

You will be directed to a list of all accounts you are responsible for (including your personal account).

  • Select the required mailbox i
  • Select Show Mailbox Information 

Nexus Accounts List screenshot

All users with access will be shown in this screen

Delegated accounts List screenshot


Full Access - Full rights to the mailbox - write and delete

Automap - the user will have this account automapped to their personal Outlook windows app.

Send-As - the user can send from the named account

Send on behalf - for sending on behalf of another personal account 

How to change Access to your Accounts

After checking who has access (see above) you can add and remove users using the IT Services Catalogue 

Search the catalogue for generic email account delegation and then follow the on screen options for adding or removing users.  You can search by name or SSO name.

Use the generic email account option - not the personal option.

self service IT screenshot

Select Account owner and either revoke or grant access option

Accoutn screenshot

Enter the details for the generic account you are adding or revoking to:

account screenshot

Enter the person who you adding or removing

Adding users screenshot

Select the options for sending annd viewing the mailbox

Access levels screenshot

Complete the setup

Delegation can take up to 24 hours.


Access a delegated account from a mobile

We recommend accessing delegated mailboxes via the Outlook App, which can be downloaded from your app store. You must have your personal mailbox setup before being able to access a delegated mailbox.

For setup, please see

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